


For new pfSense CE to pfSense Plus Upgrades, please select Upgrade from pfSense CE to pfSense Plus. For all other new pfSense Plus installations and existing pfSense Plus installations, including those on Netgate hardware, please select Renewal New Install.

If you are a new pfSense user, we strongly recommend reading our guide on how to purchase and get started with pfSense Plus software. It outlines the migration process from pfSense CE to Plus software. You can find the guide here. 


pfSense+ Software Subscription

Software Overview

pfSense Plus® software is Netgate’s commercial fork of the pfSense project. It is the world’s leading open-source driven firewall, router, and VPN solution for network edge and cloud secure networking. Made possible by open-source technology. Made into a robust, reliable, and dependable product by Netgate.

pfSense Plus software provides the performance, flexibility, reliability and business assurance expected from leading secure networking applications: